Proposed Financial Wellness Curriculum
Empowering Wealth Financial Coaching Curriculum is engaging, drives participants to action, and meets core educational standards. The programming has been widely recognized for its ability to connect with students and inspire participants of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds to take positive financial action. This proposed curriculum contains a summary description and an outline of what each course will cover. This curriculum is intended to not just help the participants but the goal is to help their families as well. The participants are expected to take what they learn and teach their family and friends. There will be a pre-test and post-test after each course. The results are then prepared in a case study report. The case study report can then be reviewed to measure the goals and objectives successfully. The case study report measures results and is able to demonstrate program impact. This report can be provided to potential sponsors for funding opportunities.
Financial Psychology
Needs, Emotions, Money, & the Connection
How Financial Behaviors & Attitudes Form
Identifying Your Financial Behaviors
Molding Positive Financial Behaviors
Turning Dreams into Goals & Plans
This course gives you an in-depth look at the psychological factors that affect how we handle our personal finances.
Learn how money is tied to human needs and emotions.
Explore how and by whom we are influenced when developing our money management habits, and how to find qualified information sources.
Examine your own attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to personal finance.
Learn to write good goals, break them down into achievable action steps, and track progress.
Savings, Expenses & Budgeting
Visual Education
Budgeting Fundamentals & Overview
Setting Savings Goals & Creating a Savings Plan
Prioritizing Expenses & Opportunity Cost
Identifying & Reducing Your Expenses
Create Your Budget & Automate
Analyzing Your Budget & Addressing Gaps
This course introduces the basic aspects of budgeting and how budgeting benefits your progress toward attaining your desired lifestyle and reaching your financial goals.
Understand how savings forms the foundation of your financial planning, and learn the components of a savings plan.
Comprehend the importance of evaluating every purchase based on whether it is a “need” or a “want” and know how to calculate opportunity cost.
Learn three primary types of expenses and tactics for reducing monthly payments toward those expenses.
Take action steps for creating a solid budget
Loans & Debt
Loan Fundamentals
Risk of Debt
How to Pay Off Debt
Credit Cards 101
This course covers the ins and outs of loans and debt.
Understand the different types of debt and when debts may be considered “good” versus “bad” debts.
Learn basic loan calculations, including principal, interest, payment intervals, terms, and amortization.
Discuss risks and consequences of various types of debt covered, with tips for mitigating debt risk.
Aligning Your Passion with Income Sources
Prepare for & Identify Income Opportunities
Income Diversification & Multiple Income Streams
This course covers various ways to generate income, along with some strategies for securing and possibly supplementing one’s income
Discuss finding fulfilling work in alignment with one’s dreams and passions.
Learn the rapid, recent advances in globalism and technology that affect job and income security.
Presents steps individuals may take to maximize their earning potential, including considering benefits as part of a total compensation package, and evaluating and enhancing one’s position in the job market.
Discuss how to obtain salary increases from current employers and methods for seeking out and obtaining new employment opportunities.

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